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AURA invita a charla virtual de astronomía

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“The First Billion Years of History Finding the Earliest Galaxies”  es el nombre de la charla virtual a la que invita la Asociación de Universidades para la Investigación en Astronomía (AURA) este jueves 19 de abril, a las 11.00 horas.

La charla será dictada por Andrew Bunker Department of Physics, University of Oxford & Gemini South Visiting Astronomer.

Vea la videoconferencia por streaming a través de REUNA

Ver transmisión 

The First Billion Years of History Finding the Earliest Galaxies

Andrew Bunker
Department of Physics, University of Oxford & Gemini South Visiting Astronomer
I will discuss how we can use deep Hubble Space Telescope images with WFC3 to identify candidate galaxies at very high redshift (z>6) and how ground-based follow-up with large telescopes such as Gemini is important for confirmation. I will discuss the role of these early star-forming galaxies.

Fecha: Jueves 19 de abril, a las 11.00 horas.

Lugar: Transmisión desde Cerro Tololo.