La Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María invita a seguir la transmisión en vivo de la charla Wikipedia in classroom: bidirectional benefits of students’ engagement in online production communities, la que se realizará el lunes 21 de diciembre, desde las 14:00 hrs.
Descripción de la actividad:
Wikipedia, the highly-popular online encyclopedia anyone can edit, provides a platform to study engagement of citizen scientists in knowledge dissemination. College and university students are especially appropriate members of the public to write science articles, because of the course-work and mentorship they receive from faculty. In this talk, I will present a project to support students’ writing of scientific articles in Wikipedia. In collaboration with a scientific association, we involved more than 1,000 students from over 50 courses in editing scientific articles on Wikipedia. I will discuss details in the design of the program and our quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluating it. Our results show that the Wikipedia classroom experiment benefits both the Wikipedia community and students. Undergraduate and graduate students substantially improved the scientific content of over 1,000 articles, at a level of quality indistinguishable from content written by PhD experts. Both students and faculty endorsed the motivational benefits of an authentic writing experience that would be read by thousands of people.
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